

Install a new project

Using either a local or global installation of composer:

$ composer create-project autarky/skeleton -s dev --prefer-dist /path/to/project

This will set up a sample project for you and install all dependencies.

It is recommended to have a look at app/start.php and read the comments to see what's going on "under the hood".

If you configure your webserver to have a docroot of the web directory, or fire up the PHP internal webserver:

$ php -S localhost -t /path/to/project/web

... you should be able to go to "localhost" in your browser and see the extremely simple welcome page.

Read some of the example files located in the skeleton project and you should be able to figure out a lot just based on that.

If you create a lot of new projects or just want to type less, you can add the following to ~/.bash_aliases in any unix-like environment:

function autarky-new {
    composer create-project autarky/skeleton -s dev --prefer-dist $@

Now you can do autarky-new /path/to/project.

Project structure

The default project structure looks like this:

├── app
│   ├── config
│   │   └── testing
│   └── templates
├── bin
├── src
│   └── Web
├── tests
├── var
│   ├── logs
│   ├── session
│   ├── twig
│   └── yaml
└── web
    └── assets

The app directory is entirely voluntary. It contains config files, templates and a couple of procedural scripts. It's meant for any code or data related to your app that isn't PHP classes. You can create as many new directories inside this directory as you want, or you can move the config and templates directory to the myproject root instead if you like.

The bin directory contains executable scripts, named after the UNIX /bin directory. This directory and its contents can also be removed if you don't want them.

The src directory contains only PHP classes. It's configured as a PSR-4 autoloaded directory in the default composer.json. Again, you're free to rename or remove this directory if you want.

The tests directory is meant for PHPUnit tests. The default phpunit.xml file has this directory configured as the application test suite. This directory, too, can be renamed or removed.

The var directory contains various cache or state data. The logs directory obviously contains application log files, the storage directory contains serialized session data if you're using the file session driver, the twig directory is for Twig's generated template files, and yaml contains cached data of parsed YAML files. If you don't use logging, file-based sessions, Twig templating or YAML config files, the var directory can safely be removed.

Finally, the web directory is meant to be the docroot of your webserver. It contains an index.php which serves as a front controller to your web application. Keeping Javascript and CSS files in an assets directory is a good practice, but entirely optional.

If you want to rename or move any of these directories, make sure to update the app/config/path.php file. If you want to move the config directory, you should also update app/start.php. The ideal would be to have the directory of the config files placed in the path.php config file - but the config loader obviously can't load the "path" config before it knows where the config files are.

In the end, you don't actually need any of these files to run a simple Autarky application. If you want to, you can easily create a single-PHP-file application using Autarky by creating an index.php that looks like this:

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new Autarky\Application('production', [
    new Autarky\Container\ContainerProvider,
    new Autarky\Routing\RoutingProvider,

$app->route('GET', '/', function() {
    return 'Hello world!';


This shows how easy it is to adjust the framework to your likings, with as much or little scaffolding and bootstrapping as you feel is optimal for your application.

Trimming dependencies

The skeleton project comes with a few third-party dependencies that are not necessary for the framework to function, but have been included as a convenience.

autarky/twig-templating provides Twig integration into the framework. If you want to use a different templating engine or no templating altogether, you can remove this.

monolog/monolog provides logging features. If you want to use a different logger or don't want logging at all, you can remove this.

symfony/browser-kit enables the BrowserKit client in PHPUnit WebTestCases. If you don't plan to use this feature, you can remove this.

symfony/yaml enables YAML config files. If you convert all your config files to PHP, you can remove this.

vlucas/dotenv makes it easy to store environment-specific variables outside of your codebase. If you don't want to do this, you can remove the package.

Configuring a webserver

You'll most likely want to put your website behind a webserver. The following are bare minimums of what you need to make an Autarky project work with common web servers. These are merely examples and should probably not be used in production without additions. Read up on the configuration options available in your web server.

Apache 2

The smallest possible virtualhost config you can create looks like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /path/to/autarky-project/web

To get pretty URLs, you need to add the following configuration either inside a <Location /> block in the virtualhost, or in a .htaccess file located in the web directory.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]


The following example assumes you have PHP-FPM set up and running.

server {
    root /path/to/autarky-project/web;

    location / {
        try_files $uri /index.php$is_args$args;

    location /index.php {
        include fastcgi_params;
        fastcgi_pass; # or whatever your FCGI socket is
        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
        fastcgi_index index.php;