
Autarky comes with an integrated implementation of Twig, the most mature and fully-featured PHP templating library at the moment.

Twig integration is a separate package since version 0.8. composer require autarky/twig-templating if you don't already have it installed.

The templating engine can be accessed via the class Autarky\TwigTemplating\TemplatingEngine, but the easiest way is to use the render($template, array $data) method which comes with the base controller class.

Simply do return $this->render('path/to/view.twig', [..]) from a controller, and the view's contents will be rendered and put into a HTTP response with status code 200.

By default the framework comes with a Twig environment loading view files from your server's filesystem. Put a file called hello.twig in app/templates and you can do $this->render('hello.twig'). The path to the template is relative to the templates directory.

Twig functions

In addition to Twig's built-in functionality, a few Autarky-specific functions are added.

url('route.name', [param1, param2, ...]) will return the URL to the given route with the given parameters.

asset('path/to/asset.css.js') will return the URL to the asset relative to the public directory.

partial(['MyPartialController', 'myMethod']) will resolve MyPartialController from the container, call myMethod() and print the returned value as a string.

Twig globals

flash is a global variable, being an array of flash messages passed from a controller via the $this->flashMessages($messageOrMessages) method. What this array contains is entirely up to the user of the framework - it can be simple strings or simple data objects, depending on what you need/want.


You can listen for events and modify template data at run-time.

use Autarky\TwigTemplating\Event\CreatingTemplateEvent;
use Autarky\TwigTemplating\Event\RenderingTemplateEvent;

$engine = $app->resolve('Autarky\TwigTemplating\TemplatingEngine');
$engine->creating('path/to/template.twig', ['MyListener', 'creating']);
$engine->rendering('path/to/template.twig', ['MyListener', 'rendering']);

class MyListener
    public function creating(CreatingTemplateEvent $event)
        $context = $event->getTemplate()->getContext();
        $context->foo = 'bar';
    public function rendering(RenderingTemplateEvent $event) {}

The type-hinting for the events is optional. You can also get the context by doing $event->getContext(). After setting $context->foo = 'bar', the variable foo is now available in the Twig template.